Sunday, June 5, 2011

I am becoming a beekeeper!!!

As of 6:00 Am, June 6, 2011 I will be an official beekeeper!  I have always wanted to keep bees but just couldn't seem to get the courage up.  After meeting Mr. Fine my bee mentor, and watching him the past two years as he and his daughters have so eloquently spoke at various functions, after reading countless beekeeping books, after researching the internet night after night, reading millions of posts on various forums, researching through countless beekeeping supply catalogs, finally finding just the right equipment, after hounding poor Mr. Fine with question after question...I finally feel I am ready!

I just dropped off my two hives at Mr. Fines home and by morning, he will have moved the two nucs into my hives!  Cannot wait!  I am wondering how the girls will  survive the two mile trip home from his home to my farm?  I hope they are not too riled up!

Here are pics of my two new hives!  In my living room!  The shallow supers are already at Mr. Fine's house.  By tomorrow they will be out in the new pasture filled with my new girls!  These were purchased from Brushy Mountain.  My bee suit was purchased locally in Washington county at Bedillion Honey Farm in Hickory PA.  Great people at both places!  Mr. Bedillion took the time to give us a quick tour of his honey farm and it was fascinating!

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