By the way, the book mentioned above by Penn State...LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! One of the best in my opinion. I have many and this one is just a great resource to have. Got my copy from the Pennsylvania Honey Queen herself!! Fancy, right? Actually, my bee mentor is her father! But that still sounds great doesn't it? Makes me sound fancy-schmancy!
This is the inner cover. Notice in the first picture, how many bees you can see at the top? This was before using my handy dandy smoker.
This is the after picture...The smoker sends the bees downwards so you are able to get into the hive.
Big difference, huh? Next, I removed the inner cover and started checking out the frames. Have to admit, this was a bit scary being the first time and all. So far, everything is looking good!
Look at this one! I was proud of myself! The one below is the middle most frame. Much heavier than I had expected it to be. Felt like Wonder Woman holding this up for the camera! Have to give props to my husband for taking the pictures! He was a great sport about it! Not scared one bit, but after all, he is a police officer and they fear NOTHING!!!
And finally one last picture. This is a close up. I am fascinated by it! Will try using the Macro setting on my camera next time to get some really great shots! Notice the pollen...really fascinating!
Forgot to look for eggs, the Queen, I was just so transfixed by the hive itself. Only got to look at Hive #1! Didn't even look at Hive #2!!
And I STILL did not get stung! Yahooo! I happened to run into my bee mentor Mr. Fine and his family today at a local strawberry festival. He was the "Bee Speaker". First question he asked me...Did you get stung yet?? I loved that I was able to tell him no! Wonder how much longer I will be able to say that!!! Keeping fingers crossed!!
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