Thursday, June 30, 2011

4th Inspection, 6-29-11: Queen spotting, Wasps, and the REAL difference between two hives.

Did my fourth inspection yesterday, 6-29-2011.  Weather was beautiful!  Couldn't ask for better.  78 degrees and sunny.  When I walked up to the hives, I noticed Hive 1 was in more of a frenzy than hive 2.  Not entirely unusual, as hive 1 always seems more on edge than the other one.  Hive 2 is the more relaxed, docile, does not really need smoke, kind of hive. 

Started to check each frame on the top deep and found they were really coming along building it out.  All looks great.  However when I went down to the second deep, something seemed off, but I just couldn't tell what it was.  And then, about 3 or 4 frames in, I spotted it!

A wasp (or hornet?) was attacking my bees and killing them!  I was able to kill it with my hive tool.  If you ever get a minute, look up the video "30 wasps kill 30,000 honeybees in 30 minutes" on Youtube.  It is heartbreaking to watch but actually occurs. 

Rest of the frames looked great.  What really has me wondering is why Hive 1 is always so much more aggressive than Hive 2.  I will have to ask my mentor Mr. Fine and see if they are different breeds of bees and if that would make the difference.  I understand about the wasp in the hive today that made Hive 1 more crazy, but Hive 2 are just sweethearts!

Looking good!  Can't wait till the frames are drawn in the top supers so I can finally add my honey supers!! Have to say the smell when you open the hive is DIVINE!  Also Travis once again spotted the queen!  How does he do that!?!?!?!  Do you see her?  First time we have ever spotted her in Hive 1.

1 comment:

  1. I can't see the queen! Can you post a pic with it circled(:
