Thursday, June 30, 2011

4th Inspection, 6-29-11: Queen spotting, Wasps, and the REAL difference between two hives.

Did my fourth inspection yesterday, 6-29-2011.  Weather was beautiful!  Couldn't ask for better.  78 degrees and sunny.  When I walked up to the hives, I noticed Hive 1 was in more of a frenzy than hive 2.  Not entirely unusual, as hive 1 always seems more on edge than the other one.  Hive 2 is the more relaxed, docile, does not really need smoke, kind of hive. 

Started to check each frame on the top deep and found they were really coming along building it out.  All looks great.  However when I went down to the second deep, something seemed off, but I just couldn't tell what it was.  And then, about 3 or 4 frames in, I spotted it!

A wasp (or hornet?) was attacking my bees and killing them!  I was able to kill it with my hive tool.  If you ever get a minute, look up the video "30 wasps kill 30,000 honeybees in 30 minutes" on Youtube.  It is heartbreaking to watch but actually occurs. 

Rest of the frames looked great.  What really has me wondering is why Hive 1 is always so much more aggressive than Hive 2.  I will have to ask my mentor Mr. Fine and see if they are different breeds of bees and if that would make the difference.  I understand about the wasp in the hive today that made Hive 1 more crazy, but Hive 2 are just sweethearts!

Looking good!  Can't wait till the frames are drawn in the top supers so I can finally add my honey supers!! Have to say the smell when you open the hive is DIVINE!  Also Travis once again spotted the queen!  How does he do that!?!?!?!  Do you see her?  First time we have ever spotted her in Hive 1.

3rd Inspection of the year! 6-22-11, Difference between 2 hives, Adding a super, And ANOTHER STING!

Third inspection went really well!  6-22-2011.  I think I am finally getting the hang of this!  I has added the second deep (another hive body) last inspection to hive 2, but hive 1 just was not ready for it yet.  Once each of the frames have been drawn out (some say at least 9/10 frames) you add the second "story" to the bee hive house.  That is for the bees to use to make and store honey for winter use, to raise their babies , etc..Anything I put on after the two deep hive bodies will be mine!  YAHOO!  Here is a picture to show that Hive 2 already with its second deep on...

Everything looked great in both hives.  Hive 1 was ready for its second super as well.  So we added that today.  Tried to find the queen in hive 1 but was not able to.  Travis immediately spotted her in Hive 2.  He is the best queen spotter ever!  Not sure how he does it!  As soon as I pull a frame, he either says "There she is!" or "No".  Amazing!!

Look at these beautiful frames!  My bees are doing exactly as they were made to do.  They are such incredible little creatures!

And we didn't get away this time without another sting...This time Big Travis got one right in the EAR!  Ouch!  Both he and Little Travis both got stung in extremely sensitive places...I still have yet to get stung...knock on wood!

Inspection 2, 6-15-11: Drone VS Queen cells, Unusual Photography, and a STING!

Having soooo much fun with my bees!!  Did my second inspection on June 15, 2011 and went off without a hitch.  Ok, to be honest it was a complete and total disaster!!....And yes, I had to call my bee mentor, Mr. Fine yet again...

While inspecting the frames, I was looking for everything each of my books tell me to look for...capped brood, eggs, larvae, and the queen if I am lucky enough!  Everything looked great!  Thought I saw a few queen cells starting and thought, "Uh-oh, here we go again"!  This is what I saw:

This is actually a drone cell.  I had thought this colony had lost it's queen and was in the process of creating an emergency queen.  Now keep in mind, we had never officially found the queen in this one...So yes, I was in a downright dither (for no reason).  Since this one was dead, they carried out the traditional bee funeral.

Sad, isn't it?  What makes me even more sad is that when winter hits, the girls throw out the drones (boys) to freeze to death because they are of no use to the hive during the long cold winter.  I am thinking of trying to save them when the cold weather hits to thank them for all they did for the hive over the summer...just not sure where I could keep them...

The remainder of the frames looked great!  Do you see the larvae in the picture above?  So cool!   

My fearless photographer (aka Travis), thinks it is funny to take pictures of bees on my butt.  After checking the hives, I come into the house and load the pics and it is unbelievable how many "bee on the butt" pictures he has taken.  He thinks he is pretty funny...I am not laughing like he is...

And finally...A STING!!!  And it was not me!!  Little Travis is also fascinated and follows me out to the hives.  While we were walking back and almost at the house, one of the ladies decided to go for his hair! He started swatting like crazy   (worst thing to ever do!) and she landed right on his eyelid!  He smashed her and she bit him.  I probably would have done the same thing even though they say to just let them go and they will fly off.       

Sunday, June 12, 2011

First Inspection!

I finally did a first inspection of the hive yesterday!  Well, almost!  I did what every new beekeeper does...I was halfway through inspecting my first hive when the girls started to get a "active".  I thought I should high tail it out of there.  Read back through my "Beekeeping Basics" book by the Penn State College of Ag Sciences Cooperative Extension and it stated this is what most new "beek's" do!  So next time I will be a bit more prepared for the activity that is going on in the hives. 

By the way, the book mentioned above by Penn State...LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!  One of the best in my opinion.  I have many and this one is just a great resource to have.  Got my copy from the Pennsylvania Honey Queen herself!!  Fancy, right?  Actually, my bee mentor is her father!  But that still sounds great doesn't it?  Makes me sound fancy-schmancy!

This is the inner cover.  Notice in the first picture, how many bees you can see at the top?  This was before using my handy dandy smoker. 

This is the after picture...The smoker sends the bees downwards so you are able to get into the hive.

Big difference,  huh?  Next, I removed the inner cover and started checking out the frames.  Have to admit, this was a bit scary being the first time and all.  So far, everything is looking good!

Look at this one!  I was proud of myself!  The one below is the middle most frame.  Much heavier than I had expected it to be.  Felt like Wonder Woman holding this up for the camera! Have to give props to my husband for taking the pictures! He was a great sport about it! Not scared one bit, but after all, he is a police officer and they fear NOTHING!!!

And finally one last picture.  This is a close up.  I am fascinated by it!  Will try using the Macro setting on my camera next time to get some really great shots!  Notice the pollen...really fascinating!

Forgot to look for eggs, the Queen, I was just so transfixed by the hive itself.  Only got to look at Hive #1!  Didn't even look at Hive #2!!

And I STILL did not get stung!  Yahooo!  I happened to run into my bee mentor Mr. Fine and his family today at a local strawberry festival.  He was the "Bee Speaker".  First question he asked me...Did you get stung yet??  I loved that I was able to tell him no!  Wonder how much longer I will be able to say that!!!  Keeping fingers crossed!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A "Panic Moment" at Sunnyside Farms today...

Today was just one of those days!  I got up and went to check my hives early and to place my feeders on the hives.  Their food is basically a 1:1 mix of water and sugar.  All was well at 7:30 AM! Or so I thought!

My husband knew I was on the prowl for Mason jars to use as feeders on the hives.  He worked midnight last night and was able to scrounge up two for me.  While cleaning them in the sink, one shattered while he was washing it and sliced his finger wide open! A trip to the emergency room and a few stitches later, all was well.  Does anyone know just how many times I have heard the words "We have to run to the hospital?" 
Thankfully it has never been anything too serious!

I checked on the girls periodically throughout the day.  At 5:00 PM this evening, I again went to check on the hives.  (I know! But remember, I am REALLY excited!!).  All heck was breaking loose at hive #2!  Bees flying madly around everywhere.  Hive #1 was relaxed and calm with a minimal amount of activity.  What is going on??  My first thought was "Oh no...They are getting ready to swarm!".  My (and every other beekeeper's) biggest nightmare.  A swarm can occur at any time and it is really just nature's course.  The bees might feel like their is simply not enough room and choose to go elsewhere. 

Then I thought...ROBBERS!  Others are trying to steal my girls honey!!  I raced back to the house to look on the internet for signs of swarming or robbing.  Went to my handy dandy reference of!  I always find a ton of info there! 

I was hesitant to call my bee mentor, Mr. Fine, because it was less than 24 hours since picking them up!  He has had the patience of Job with me thus far and  I really didn't want to wear out my welcome this soon. 

Here is the way I found the hives...

You can't tell from the picture so much, but there were TONS of bees flying all over hive #2!  Found a few really good videos on Beesource which addressed my problem.  They were simply taking orientation flights to get used to their new surroundings!  After 20 minutes or so, all was back to normal!!

I did happen to catch something rather interesting while at one of my many trips to the hives today.  Found a few bees dragging a dead bee from inside the hive to throw her off of the landing board and get rid of the evidence! 

Rather sad, isn't it?  My heart broke for her and for the others carrying out her funeral...

Monday, June 6, 2011

Picked up my "girls"!

The girl's are officially home!  We went over to Mr. Fine's home today where he has so many hives!  Another gentleman was there to pick his hives as well which is why I changed my plans and  picked mine up this evening as well.  I wanted to watch the process of Mr. Fine transferring the honey bees from their nucs into our hives.  It was wonderful!

It was so scary but so much fun!  There were bees flying everywhere, landing on my suit, crawling up my veil, all over my gloves...I will never forget that moment as long as I live.  The sound was incredible.  I put my hands on quite a few nuc boxes to feel the vibration.  Magical.  Simply magical. 

This is my mentor Mr. Fine.  He patiently answers each and every one of my questions without fail.  Notice he never wears gloves!

Getting the other gentlemans hives ready.  He was also such a trooper for allowing me to tag along on watching and filling his hives.

Arrived home a few minutes later and heaved the hives onto their stands.  Notice my husband standing quite close with no protection on at all.  They are quite gentle.  He also was my photgrapher for the evening as well as Travis Jr. here at the end.

I did make one error...when dropping off of my equipment last night, I had forgot to leave the inner cover.  Once I returned home with the girl's, I had to add one to each hive.

Biggest highlight of the evening....I didn't get stung!!!!!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

I am becoming a beekeeper!!!

As of 6:00 Am, June 6, 2011 I will be an official beekeeper!  I have always wanted to keep bees but just couldn't seem to get the courage up.  After meeting Mr. Fine my bee mentor, and watching him the past two years as he and his daughters have so eloquently spoke at various functions, after reading countless beekeeping books, after researching the internet night after night, reading millions of posts on various forums, researching through countless beekeeping supply catalogs, finally finding just the right equipment, after hounding poor Mr. Fine with question after question...I finally feel I am ready!

I just dropped off my two hives at Mr. Fines home and by morning, he will have moved the two nucs into my hives!  Cannot wait!  I am wondering how the girls will  survive the two mile trip home from his home to my farm?  I hope they are not too riled up!

Here are pics of my two new hives!  In my living room!  The shallow supers are already at Mr. Fine's house.  By tomorrow they will be out in the new pasture filled with my new girls!  These were purchased from Brushy Mountain.  My bee suit was purchased locally in Washington county at Bedillion Honey Farm in Hickory PA.  Great people at both places!  Mr. Bedillion took the time to give us a quick tour of his honey farm and it was fascinating!