The sugar roll consists of taking a frame (making sure the queen is not present on it), shaking them into a bin, scooping out a cup, putting them in a mason jar with a screened lid along with a tablespoon of powdered sugar. Gently shake and roll the jar so the bees are coated with the powdered sugar. Then shake out the powdered sugar onto the bottom of the bin or your telescoping cover. The mites will free from the bees and will fall onto where you are shaking them while the bees remain still inside the jar. This is a noninvasive test that will sample your varroa mite count. The bees can be dumped right back into the hive, No harm, no foul!
Now here is a pic from Hive 2 in which she found a mite on a bee within a frame! I am so amazed that she spotted that! She is VERY good at her job!!!
As she was going through the frames, she spotted a baby about to hatch! Look at this picture...Do you see it?
And finally, it was definitely time to add a few supers to the hive! I have stopped feeding the sugar water and added one medium super to each. There was really very little room left for the queen to lay her eggs because it was so filled with honey and nectar. So I finally know what the term "Honey Bound" means!! You can see in the picture that each cell is either filled with capped brood (the larvae or baby bees!), capped honey, or nectar. No room for the queen to lay eggs! Hopefully they will work on the super next and she will have plenty of room to do her thing!!
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